Full Flash website

Hi, I was experimenting with the Full Flash Website tutorial, and I finally created one of my own… But my question is: How do I make my page pop up properly? When I use a basic Html href tag to link it, my flash site opens on the browser at max size… So id just like to know how I can open it the good way (like the example on the tutorial).

If there was a way of doing this without involving Java… id help me alot too! (Since im trying to put it on a server with Java script disabled…)


Well you aren’t supposed to link directly to the .swf file, you are supposed to have the .swf file embedded into a .html file.

You can go to File/Publish Settings and adjust everything there and then hit the Publish button.

And as for the pop up, there are a few tutorials on this site about it, use the search box in the upper right corner and look for “Pop-Ups”. There is not a way to do a pop up without Javascript unless you open the movie in just a standard new window.

Thanks… I made the pop-up, but the only problem now is, how can I remove the explorer bar? (The one currently showing kirupaforum.com - Rply to Topic - Microsoft Internet Explorer)

Hmm… the tutorial dosent explain it…

That is the title bar, you can’t remove that.

And if you are following the Chromeless windows tutorial… don’t! Chromeless windows are dead now, not supported by any browswer. But if that isn’t what you were following, then ignore this message for now, but remember it if you ever come across them.