Full Flash

How can I make a full flash site without using different .swf files?
Maybe it’s a stupid question but I have never made a full flash site before :-/

Greetz Jakke

Hi Jakke,
Im somewhat a noob myself but I suggest loading external swf’s as a great way to build a full site. Its easier to manage, neater, and end-users don’t have to download your whole movie if they only wanted to see a part of it. Kirupa has a great tut on building a full site. http://www.kirupa.com/developer/mx/full_site.htm
The alternative would be to have a whole bunch of keyframes on your main timeline with a bunch of gotoAndPlay("") actions. Or you can make different scenes…but I wouldnt even go there.

thank you very much for your reply dru_nasty
but the thing is I want to load a whole site, so how can I load a few swf’s in one single load process?

let me make sure I have this right…you already have a few swf’s, and you want them all loaded at runtime? Do you want them on different levels? Im not sure im following.

Here is an example http://www.exopolis.com/
here is only one loader and it loads the whole site
(my english isn’t that good to explain this correctly)

Im pretty sure its just transitions between external swfs’. Thats about all I can say.
Hopefully someone with better knowledge of flash will help you out. Sorry.