Fullscreen and Center

I need help with a window that has a flash presentation. I need a window that becomes full screen and centers the flash presentation, how can i acheive this? (I used to have chromeless window, but you know how it is now :sure: chromeless does not work on all browsers) Any help would be greatly appreciated.:smirk:

  1. Yeah, I know how it is nowā€¦ chromeless windows work on NO browsers anymore.

  2. Full Screen Windowsā€¦

  3. Centered Contentā€¦

NOTE: I only posted the fullscreen window because you said it was for a presentation. I think everyone by now knows where I stand on fullscreen windows for sites (If you donā€™t knowā€¦ then in as few words as possibleā€¦ they should all die).

Thanks for the page center link =) , but on the full screen, i did not mean fill up the screen, i worded it badly, i meant for it to keep the tab, but have no options in the window, would you call it a pop up window? Thanks for the helpā€¦

actually, chromeless works on all IEs now. Its not by the same author, though.



Pop ups in general are evil, but chromeless windows are the most evil of evil. Trendy, overused, annoyingā€¦ total package.

Anywhoā€¦ for regular pop upsā€¦




They are evil, but in the most extraodinary cases they can actually make the site look good.

Extremely rare there. Microbians make it look great, but thats about it.

:trout: lol@vip3r, in that case, i am going to stick with Chromeless!! Thanks lost inbeta those pop ups will be useful. One more question, I am learning dreamweaver, how do i make a flash banner, and and the main body of the site be normal?

Just make a new layer in dreamweaver, and click on the F that represents flash on the toolbar (thatā€™s how you import flash documents). Put your layer wherever you like :).

Ok, go with the evil window :sleep:

This link that LostinBeta posted is not workingā€¦

It was before the server changeā€¦ the new URL isā€¦


got it

As a note for the futureā€¦

If the link refers to the page before the server move it will come up as page not found, but its an easy way to fix thatā€¦

Right afterā€¦
simply put ā€œforumsā€ so now you will have

Making the entire link something likeā€¦