Hello im a new user here but i’ve been looking at this forum a lot time, before everyone goes criticizing this post, yes i have dont a search and the results were rather scattered, what im trying to achieve is opening a borderless pop up window with custom minimization and exit button, either through actionscript or javascript, can someone help me with either lending some knoweledge or a link to a tutorial, thanks
there is one on Kirupa’s main page, but that method doesn’t work in the new IE SP 6.1 or Netscape or Mozilla. As far as a working tutorial for the new methods I don’t know. Check google.
so does anyone have a link to a tut for making a chromeless window, by the way can you have them not be full screen such as every window so far ive seen
Also the files you download from chromeless.org include tutorials on how to use the script both in Flash and Javascript.
Or at least thats how the original chromeless windows files were.
And also to go with other people here…
With all the pop-up killers, are you sure you want a pop up?
And depending on the chromeless windows script you get it will not work on Macs, Mozilla, or Netscape. Just IE on windows. the other browsers will just display standard pop-ups (I think, not sure with the newest version).
Unflux… unfortunately, there is a new chromeless window version at chromeless.org that works in the new IE. I don’t know how it functions in other browsers though, never tried it.