Fun Fonts

Dear Everyone:

At my company I have got the greenlight for purchasing fonts or so they say :D…

but anyway I am looking at a list of fonts I know I want but I want to hear some suggestions…

I am looking for families or at least two type weights(bold, black, condensed, etc.) and not cheap knock-offs that don’t have a decent character set… you know what I am talking about…

I don’t want to be forwarded to fonts for flash or any fonts regarding flash

I am just looking for fonts that look good in web and can be changed into an image; so I don’t have to worry about the whole user issue

I also want specific links to the foundry, if you don’t mind:cool:
^I like this one because it looks like a light Helvetica, mixed with a gill sans, but still nice non the less… works well in sizes 16px+

And tell me the reason why you like it…
Open type
different weights
**SWEET on WEB(**no print font need apply here)
EOD(equal opportunity designer) - it can be serif, slab serif, script, etc.
no fonts for flash(not interested)

thanks and I look forward to your suggesstions