Function automatically executing on load

I have some actionscript:

this.menuSelect.b3.dynTextHolder.dynText.text = "OTHER";
this.menuSelect.b3.dynTextHolder.onRelease = Vidd("other");

function Vidd(whichVideo) {	
	var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
	var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);
	trace ("function exec also "+whichVideo);


ok, now when the flash movie loads, the trace in the function is automatically run when the flash clip loads, and doesn’t execute again. Even when I click on b3. It’s quite simple code, I can’t figure out why it isnt running only when b3 is released.

b3 is a button with an .AS file attached to it so that the object knows how to animate when I drag out an instance. Would that make a difference?
