Functionality of loaded swf is a no go


AS 2 question:

I am having issues with a hover funtion in a loaded swf file.

  1. Hover file swf works on its own.
  2. Parent file swf loads hover swf
    [COLOR=darkred]3. Hover funtion no longer works in parent swf[/COLOR]

[COLOR=black]Here is the code for the hover swf[/COLOR]

var hoverMC:MovieClip;var myInt:Number;var d:Number = _level0.getNextHighestDepth(); // set this once so we only have one hover at a timefunction moveHover(){ hoverMC._y = _level0._ymouse; hoverMC._x = _level0._xmouse; if(!hoverMC._visible) hoverMC._visible = true}function showHover(mc){ hoverMC = _level0.attachMovie(mc, “hoverMC”, d); hoverMC._visible = false; myInt = setInterval(moveHover, 50);}function hideHover(){ hoverMC.removeMovieClip(); clearInterval(myInt);}btn1.onRollOver = function(){ // make sure you set the linkage idendifier // of the MC you want to attach in the propertiers panel _level0.showHover(“hoverMC1”)}btn1.onRollOut = btn1.onDragOut = btn1.onReleaseOutside = function(){ // hide whatever hover MC is available _level0.hideHover();}
Code for parent swf loading the hover swf

_root.currMovie = “section2”;container.loadMovie(_root.currMovie+".swf");
Any help or points to reference material would be appricated.

If need I can email the files.

