Hover caption tutorial conflict with externally loaded swf?

Grrrrrr . . . I hope someone can help me!

I used Kirupa’s hover caption tutorial on a little “x” button used to close a window (unloads the movie clip). All this occurs on an swf that I wish to load when I press a button on the main swf.

Now on the main swf I have the following code for a button:

on (release) {
blankMC._x = 100;
blankMC._y = 100;

blankMC is a blank movie clip to load the 2nd swf (text_box) into and I’d like to place it as you see above. The problem is that when the button is pressed the 2nd swf (text_box) appears but then follows the mouse around!

So i’m guessing that the code used to make JUST the caption appear around the “x” button is somehow being transfered to the entire 2nd swf. Is there any way to fix it?

Thank you in advance!!

Hi, I doubt anyone will help… I have encountered this problem before, but have figured it out myself.

First, you have to understand the difference between _parent and _root. In the tutorial, it makes use of _root (main movie) which calls or loads sub movies.

All you have to do is put the rectangular box with its actions and the “startdrag” action in the main movie.

The other buttons with the hover effect remains in the sub movies. Once you run the main movie, it calls up the sub movies with the hover caption effect. That way the mouse over effect calls up the rectangular box/actions from the main movie (_root).

Try it, let me know if it works.

Thanks, I had always wondered about that.

Actually I solved my problem a different way. I just had to make sure my _level was set everywhere I specified it and problem solved!