Funky (mis)alignment with styled htmlText?

Here’s my problem: I have a textfield that gets its content from an XML node; such a node might look like this:

<abstract><![CDATA[<p><u>blah blah blah</u> this is text and here's some more blah blah blah</p>]]></abstract>

In my actionscript, I’m creating a textField and first setting a defaultTextFormat, then applying a stylesheet (created from a parsed string literal with my styles in it).

It works fine for pretty much everything; the one (or two, actually) problems I’ve noted are italic or underlined text.

In the sample node above, you’ll notice that I have <u>…</u> markup – that’s because I started with <i>…</i> but it was doing weird things with spacing. Apparently, <u> is doing weird things with spacing, too. Here’s a screenshot: (attached).

Some of the attributes I have set are embedFonts=true, multiline=true, wordWrap=true, and I’ve tried autoSize=“left” and autoSize=“center” with the same miserable results.

I’d appreciate any insight anyone can share! Thanks!

(Edit: The problem I’m having shows up right after the word Factory in the image below)