Happy Friday everyone.
OK This is a huge file [around 3 Meg I think] but it is well worth it.
[Sorry if it’s been posted b4. I’m too hung over to search :whistle: ]
Happy Friday everyone.
OK This is a huge file [around 3 Meg I think] but it is well worth it.
[Sorry if it’s been posted b4. I’m too hung over to search :whistle: ]
This better be funny!
First off - it’s only 2.1 megs.
Second - That is **** funny hahahahhaha
what Tuknuk said…
LOL :!:
really phunny
thats hilarious
I didn’t know you could get a cat to do that, normally I just duct tape it on the fan
sorry… I didn’t find it amusing at all. It may have been an accident, but it was used as a commercial. I guess I wont complain too much… just didn’t think it was funny.
thats really made my day!!! lolololololol
*Originally posted by mariofan *
**thats really made my day!!! lolololololol
mariofan **
It just get better and better the more you watch it
I can see how it is cruel… there is no denying it. But the people run to see if the cat is ok right afterwards (I think that’s what they are doing anyway!)
sureshot… are you serious??
that is fake! its a tv ad!!
I think its fake too. The cat would need opposible thumbs to hold onto the cord. Cats do not have them. With all the technology out there, they can make CGIs that look just like humans and we can’t tell the difference. Also, they couldn’t use something like that if it were real as a commercial, animal rights activists and such…
imagine how they made this ad… at first try? they guessed right what was going to happen? the cat does that every time??
if yes, this is the dummest cat ever!
Cats have claws, I don’t think they need opposite thumbs :beam: Any specialist around? Dr Benton?
A friend told me that it was on a funniest home video type show. So if that’s true then all nokia did was buy it from them and tweeked it. These days they know that stuff like this will get mailed all over the world so it works out well for them I guess.
LOL whats funnier than the clip is some of the logic debating its authenticity.
I agree with the faked moon landing… **** americans!
Whether ral or not… That’s HELLA funny… hehehe…
lmao… Two thumbs up fom the guy that rocks em
It took my *** 5 minutes to download the thing…
Give my 56k a break guys… lmao
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