Funniest Mac Parody Yet

He swears once or twice, for those who care. I’ll rate this PG.

Funniest Mac Parody I’ve ever seen.

Oh, and it’s like, 25 megs or something, so prepare for a little lag. By a little I might mean a lot. Depends on your OS and junk.

And you might think it froze for a second, but it didn’t. That might have just been me, though.*****.mpg


Replace the stars with b i t c h.

…switch… bi t ch… heh… haha…

“The mac is practicing some sort of bizzare psychological warfare on me, because I’m working late at night and outta the corner of my eye I keep seeing this thing jumping up and down, the update manager is bouncing at the bottom of the screen like a jack russel ****ing terrier!!!”

beter not let mariofan see this.

I’m sure he’ll get the joke. I love the mac parodys. I mean, this guy made this super awesome video on his mac. LoL.

lol that was awesome!


This is a hilarious one too. And it’s a much quicker one.

haha the first one was funny

arug… im not seein either of 'em :-\

the problem is the name of the video is $!@#&.mpg. i.e. femaledog.mpg Kirupaforums deletes that word, so either change the stars to the “word” or delete the *****.mpg and go to the video directory and then open it from there.

Best mac parody BY FAR. That was hilarious.

Thankyou nali for explaining that in so many steps. :stuck_out_tongue:
I’m glad you liked it. I think I outlined two of the better parts above. “IT’S JUST GONE!!!”



You may not have a recent version of quicktime. And if you DO, be patient, cause they may take awhile to load, especially on a low Bwidth connection.

“So I’ve got my next cd and I slam it into the cd-rom tray, and low and behold it starts playing ALL BY ITSELF. I’m looking for a way to turn it off, and finally out of desperation I click and drag the cd into the garbage can and the system locks up. So I go to the clover leaf, period, space bar thing hoping I can stop the program and I get a little error message sayi ng “careful, interrupting this program may lock-up the system”. I try to click ok, BUT THE SYSTEM’S ALREADY LOCKED UP.”

laughs *** off It’s so great.

True things that happen in Mac OS whatever version it may be regardless what anyone says, im a mac user and pc user just incase anyone is gonna start saying ive never even used a mac :wink: too bad i cant see these since im on 56k :frowning:

LMAO that was good Aislin!

they are hilarious. Next time you’re on a high bwidth connection, make sure to check out the first one at least. it’s hilarious.

My two favourites were:

“You see the handle there? It’s for attaching a chain and using it as a BOAT ANCHOR!!”

“My name is Hunter Crescell, and I cut together everything you saw tonight… on a Macintosh!”

too funny! And true!

The best solution I’ve found so far is, windows XP with a OS X Theme. It looks all pretty, but it actually works.

I did move my start bar to the top, and it actually is a more logical place for it.

And my windows logon screen…