Funny Video

Hey guys, this is a hilarious video of two chinese guys dancing. You’ll love it!

(formerly bcogswell11)

Yeah this was posted before. I believe by Edwin. Still funny though :wink:

Oh oops! :x

(formerly bcogswell11)

hahaha that video has been around the net for awhile, I’m sure everyone has seen it. =)

I haven’t seen it before Edwin posted it like a month ago, or maybe longer.

I still crack up every time though :slight_smile:

I posted it, who is trying to steal my fame!

You posted it Dan? I coulda swore that was Edwin. But as I said before, I wasn’t sure.

Remember I had the grunge text at the end. The one chinese kid knocks the other one out and he has klenex in his nose, I found it on kazaa and put it in a flash movie!


Thanks for refreshing my memory man :):A+:

ROFLMAO! I wonder why I haven’t seen it be before!
Check out the last frame! It’s hilarious! :P:P:P:P

I haden’t seen it either. Not as funny as I thought it was going to be.

Hmm… This is alright… Like sintax… Not as funny as I thought it would be… But sitll funny period…eh? heh


I was expecting like a wedding video of a guy dancing like there was no tommorow and having no rythme what so ever. ■■■■ expectations always ruining things for me.:angry:

lol… Yeah…

When I view thing.s. I should start assuming it’s going to suck… :slight_smile:

Thats what i did with Lord of the rings: Two Towers. I made sure not to get excited and didn’t think much of it. When i finaly saw it I was so blowen away. I’m never gettting excited again.

I have gotten to the point where I don’t watch previews of movies I know I want to see. I can’t count how many movies were ruined by the plethera of scenes shown in previews, that by the time I actually saw the film, I had seen the best parts before, and had no impact.

Or worse yet, the plot of the film is given away in the trailers…

This really pisses me off [SIZE=1]:: said like Eric Cartman ::[/SIZE]



Ya the third austen powers movie i made sure not to see any trailers or previews for. I would close my eyes and go lalaalalalalalal really load. I was so glad when I got to the movie and hadn’t seen a thing. I saw some of the trailers after and they showed way to much like the whole mole scene with fred savage.

You gusy are right…

Trailers lately have been exploiting the really good parts of the movie… Then when you see the movie… You don’t laugh as hard as you would have the first time…


Even the Star Wars Movies…

I change the channel when the advert comes on.

I know I am going to see it eventually, and I am not going to a theater (I’ve spoken of this before), and I feel the writer and director of the movie appreciate someone seeing the film the way they wanted to reveal the story.

To me, it just makes the movie so much more enjoyable…



[edit] good to see you back in Random, Sintax [/edit]

Ya like that movie MR. Deeds Most of the best jokes where in the preview makeing the movie suck ***. I wish i hadn’t seen one preview to that movie.

Ya i’ve been away for two weeks. During the holidays we had two deaths in the family so i’ve been kind of busy.