Funny Video

My best wishes.

We lost both my Mother and Grandmother (her mother) within a month or so, right about the time of 9/11/01 (my mother 9/10) .

It can be extremely tough during the holidays.

Should you need a vent, I’m in the book…


My great uncle died on Christmas day and my Grandfather died on New Years Eve. My poor grandmother lost her husband and brother with in one week. It is really sad becasue it marks those days for the rest of your life.

Yes it can, but only if you let it.

I don’t think of the Trade Center Terrorist Attack as the day after my Mom died. It wouldn’t be respectful to anyone involved.

I don’t think of Christmas as the time I lost my Grandma… I won’t let her death be a day of mourning (she would come back and kick the living sh1t out of me).

But yes, sometimes it does mark the rest of your days…


My dad died September 11th, 1997. What is it with that day???

I couldn’t imagen losing one of my parents at a young age. It is hard enough to lose my grandfather.

I lost my grandfater 3 years later. And the 2 years between, 2 great friends of the family. Those are 4 summer I would like to forget :-\

that video wasnt as funny at i thought it was going to be:-\

You people are crazy, it’s hilarious :slight_smile:

Did you watch it with the sound on???

Ya the sound was on it just wasn’t that funny to me. i wathced ti again and still didn’t laugh at it.