Furniture design attempt 2

alrighty, made a second chair now, very basic in design, but still looks classy :stuck_out_tongue:

Made of stainless steel, and black padding (possible leather coated). :slight_smile:

here it is:

C&C are welcome of course :thumb:

ooh very nice job! the lighting is good! and the metal texture is very good

that rocks! awesome

how long did you spend on it?

Great job!

did you say 3ds max?

yes 3dsmax and Vray.

I spent about 20 minutes on the frame, and about 20 minutes making the pads + supports + placing them.

and then 10 minutes rendertime :beam:

That is amazing. Simply amazing realism.

apart from the flying chair in the background! :stuck_out_tongue:

thanks all =)

You’re just ahead of your time, it’s a Hoverchair :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey man that looks awesome. I liked your first go but this is definalty much better.

Great Job :slight_smile:

wow. this is completely computer generated? amazing

flying chair fixed and re-rendered :love: