well i took rev and 3d’s advice and got FWMX. Now i am making my site in it so i sliced up the stuff that i need to, but how do i save it? I changed all the sclices to HTML and just saved it. but is that what i do? cause when i bring it to DWMX it says its not a FWHTML file…plz help!
Once it is sliced up you go to file>export name your file. then in the “save as type” drop down choose “html and images” In the next drop down “HTML” choose “Export HTML File” Then in the next dropdown “Slices” choose “Export Slices”. You will see 3 check boxes below the check boxes check the middle one “Include Areas without slices” and the last one “Put Images in Subfolder” browse to seperate folder usually within your images folder to put your slices in. (this is purely for organization. Fireworks will makes many little files of your image so you dont wanna pollute your images folder with that stuff) Then click save. That will produce the htm file you wanna open in DW.
This should yield the results you want
I keep saying I am going to do a few tuts on FW…
I never seem to make the time…
Maybe we can combine to make a few for the board?
I’m slammed for a couple weeks, but should have more time mid-january…
whatcha think?
Dude you read my mind. I too am swamped but yeah we can get together and do some tuts. I was gonna ask the board if they would like for me to do this. I even figured out some undocumented stuff. I feel like I should work at Macromedia sometimes. I know all their products so well.
P.S (to everyone) I have recently got real serious about freelance stuff so I will be posting some work of mine soon. All of my stuff has been proprietary and I signed N.D.A’s and stuff so I cannot disperse my artwork. BUt I am going to start doing freelance.
We will regroup after the 1st of the year. Maybe over a drink or something…
I know what you mean about NDA’s… before I went freelance a couple years ago, I couldn’t do anything but link to the site I helped create…
sweet! tuts on FW?! 8] awww man! now i gotta finish this little tut for PS i have been doing (my thrid :P). 3D, i got my LIVE to work! it is so awsome! i can barly pull myself away, Mech Assalt and UC are so much fun!
wow mdipi you got a Xbox Live AND a wacom? how do you manage? dont you wish there were 48 hours in a day? then i would only be half as old as i really am…oh wait thats not right, i suck at math
:bad: Mak. forget 48 hrs, i am up 24 5 days a week, but i do wish i had a Live conpatible router…then i could reck havoic here at kirupa and on xbox :evil: watch it…my parents want one…
[SIZE=3]WTF!!![/SIZE] your PARENTS want one? now that is freaky…i asked for a new car and i didn’t even get so much as a sigh signalling they wouldn’t get me one…my pleas for a new car went to deaf ears so now i must steal a car or steal money to buy a car…(-: