I use Dreamweaver MX for designing. Does anyone know how to export ImageReady graphics to Dreamweaver. I creat lots of photos in PhotoShop and Slice them up. Importing HTML file from Fireworks is a click of a button, but Dreamweaver does not read the HTML files from PhotoShop and does not load them. Is there a way around this?
I like Fireworks, but lots of things are easier created in PhotoShop.
What you can do is. View your sliced photoshop doc in internet explorer. The do a view source, cut out the stuff you need and place it in dreamwever. I think PS has a way you can view the source internally that is created. But anyway you have to do it manually.
What I normally do is do my creation in PS then flatten the image and slice it in FW. Just a suggestion.
Really, I design in PS and sclice it upand save it, then export it into my Web Folder. I goto DWMX click Fireworks HTML Icon, browse and click the HTML file, but then error comes up saying"Not an Fireworks HTML FIle".
What are you doing to import HTML/Slice files into DWMX fromPS?
Thanks for that tip, I tried a little test using some slices and it worked. How easy, that will work out well. I am am more proned in doing my designs in PS then Fireworks. Thank you for the help 3D-Iva.