In the news section, the text is blurry looking…how can i resolve this…just get a pixel font?
Well, there’s two ways of getting round this.
Either you can download a pixel font, or you can use dynamic text. There’s a tutorial for this second option, located here in which will explain everything.
there’s also a trap… I fell into it last night. Even if you have your textbox x and y coordinates as integer, if you resize your textbox by changing the width and height on the properties toolbar, it will resize your text, and make it blurry. If you need to resize a textbox, make sure you resize it by using the text tool and dragging the corner.
This happened to me last night, and I was like ‘what the hell happened?’ If your text is blurry, this might be one of the reasons.
pixel fonts look like ****, and it already is a dynamic text field…so the coordinates make it blurry eh.
not necessarily the coordinates… the resizing of the textbox using properties… You can have your textbox positioned at the right place, and it will still look blurry if you resized the box… your only solution is to make a new one, and make it the right size the first time.