Gallery scroll

Hi lostinbeta,

How can you do that gallery scrolling that you have on your banner there?



All it is is easing…

It is basically the second tutorial, with all the _y and _ymouse properties removed.

And some if statements to keep it from going off the stage, like this…

if (this._x <= 0) {
this._x = 0;

how do you make it move like a panorama? like this site

Hey wow, that is a lot like my footer. Cool site, thanks for the links.

It is just different layers, easing at different speeds, and the images are just really long.

do you have any tutorial for that like a Flash attachment?


No but it isn’t that hard.

Just use the easing tutorial I sent you to earlier.

Apply the code to one movie clip on one layer.

Then to another movie clip on a new layer, but change the speed.

And so forth and so on depending on how many layers you will have.

And your images will just have to be made ultra long.

i try it already and I don’t see that I can get the same effects like that site. please help. thanx.:-\

Can you post your .fla so I can let you know what you are doing wrong? And that way you will be able to learn from your mistakes.

Here is the file. You may think I am not smart but all I can say is that I am new to this program. Please help I thought it was a kool effect and want to try it out.

I still can figure it out that you can create the same panorama effect like that site with this actions.


Hey, we were all new at this at one point or another. It just takes a while to get the hang of the program.

I see what the problem is. The scrolling is fine, works great :slight_smile:

But the problem is with your images. Your image in the front contains no transparent areas so you can’t see the image in the back.

Notice on the one on that site, it has the layers with each image, but to be able to see behind it, the images were saved with a transparent background (which can be done with a .gif or .png, I will explain the difference in a second). I uploaded a new file where I lowered the alpha of the movie clip in the front so you can see what I mean.

Ok, now for the difference between .gif and .png.

.gif images are for transparent backgrounds and/or less than 256 colors used. These are usually quick loading and such.

.png images are for transparent backgrounds and any amount of colors. The difference with .png and .gif is that .png allow partial transparency. Sorta like different alpha properties on an image. So say you were to create a solid black circle on a transparent background, then in Photoshop you were to run a Gaussian Blur filter, the edges will fade out. If you save as a .gif, it will automatically put white behind it so it won’t be transparent anymore (behind the object itself at least), but if you save as a .png and import into Flash, no background behind the object is added so when you import you will be able to see right through the object onto whatever you have behind it. The downfall to this format is that if used extensively it can bog down your system resources, but I use .png images in my footer and I have had no complaints :slight_smile:

Well as I said, it is best to just experiment with each image type to see which one will give you the quality and file size you are looking for when saving.

I hope at least some of this information helps you out now and/or in the future.

LOL, in my ranting I forgot the file… :crazy:

thank you lostinbeta. But if you look at the carefully you can see the image wrap around like a panorama view if you scroll on the left or right of the screen. How do you do that?



It is done on that image itself. They create that effect on the image sorta like this…

…|…|… <-- this is one thing
Now make it two and combine it together and you get


It creates the illusion of being panoramic when you can’t see the sides.

My mistakes…It’s ok now…thanks a lot for your help…


No problem. I am glad you got it to work :slight_smile: