hey I is chuckmul again. I am starting a new game of war stratigy. It has an Isometric veiw point. I was just wondering how I could first make the I sometric grid using flash and second make a fully interactive enviroment thanks to any one who helps. and the real thing
some one with action script experiance please answer let it be know that I have flashmx
There are different ways to create a grid, the most common way is this:
the numbers are the position in the multidimensional array, i added colors to let you c how you can add them without troubles.
array =
1 tile = [‘color’];
becouse its an array, you can add more info: [‘color’,‘height’,‘roloverInfo’]
to get the info: array[Y][0], returns blue, green or red.
this way, you can join different tiles with properties,
there’s another way to do isometric:
the array you get is:
array =
same way, only a different wayof building…
dont have the formula’s to possition the tiles right now, ill be back in a few houres with them, hope you got anough info about, HOW TO…
(btw, there’s a tutorial here on kirupa somewhere about isometric)
How do you learn all of this
btw maybe this is usefull too:
this will help to…