I’ve been working on this game for a few hours. I’m ready for some feedback. Things I already know about are that there is a box on the top that appears when you get a red dot, I’m not sure how to fix this; I still need to do a gameover sequence so that the player can see their score before the game starts over; I need to change the score font, suggestions welcome.
I’m also thinking of doing a high scores list with PHP.
I’m not sure how to make it more responsive. I had noticed that too, but I think that may be a limitation of flash that it can only recieve information at the framerate interval.
Ok, the game is pretty much done now. I added a high score list in PHP, and a gameOver sequence. Still didn’t change the font, I couldn’t find one that was adequate (I’m not a very good designer hehe, more of a coder). Anyway, C&C still welcome