Guess who’s spent today trying to make a Tetris - style game? Answers to the usual address.
I’m beginning to remember just how awkward coding can be… Argh! It’s getting there, but still not quite right. Ilyas, David, Lost… I envy your scripting genius.
When making your blocks… Make the basic block like the L shape… And then put invisible mivie clips inside of that block to define it’s definition area…
Oops, I didn’t do it like that… I made an individual block for each colour, then a symbol for each of the shapes, made up of the colour graphic…
I’ve got it working though, and I’m quite pleased. I’ve posted the .swf up with this mail, although it’s over 100K so I’ve had to zip it. I’m going to try and clean up my code, then I’ll stick the .fla up as well. If anyone can go through it and point out any glaring errors, that would be much appreciated.
Well I have to say with the background that my hands are tied - the dog <i>has</i> to be there…
I’m wondering about the hi-score bit though. If there’s a way to keep a record of the hihest player once it goes online. At the moment it’ll reset to 10,000…
Hmm… You’d have to use a little bit of php for that one kitiara… Not necesarily databsing though…
You could easily just make a file called : hiscore.txt on your server… Then with some code… Check the scores…
As for the online bit… I’d say… if you were connected to the net… Have them push a button saying : “Send my SCORE in!” Then there would be a .php script to handle that score that comes in… And you could have another flash type movie to take the scores and thold them…
Eh? Get it?!
Anyways… Good Job… I like it. Runs sluggish sometimes… But all in all it’s really smooth and enjoyable… Congrats