Game: Line draw (Advanced)

OK, I’ve been trying to do this for two months now and I cant do it. I’ve tried several tuts. to helpp me and I’ve achived nothing. All of the code is complete (just need to add in the comments). All I need is for some advance flash user (and I know there’s a few out there) to help me with a bit of code. I am making a car game, like GTA, and what I need is when the user presses the hand brake (space) it draws a line that it suppose to be a skidmark. Any help would be greatly appriciated and the user will be placed in the credits.


I’ve made a (quite crude) working version of it.
to tell you the truth I would recommend no to use onClipEvents dirctly on the MCs as if the project grows it’ll be difficult to track all the bits of code down.


Thanks but thats not what I’m after. That looks like its a mc that is drawing a line (tween). What happens if you turn? See, quite a difficult problem

I told you it was crude! you’ve already got the solution if the car turns as you calculate the arch of the car’s movement when you turn it,
just calculate its tangent!!!


I tried…and failed. Cant seem to get it to work.