[game] Space Asteroids From Space

Well, having been instilled with courage after reading through Underlocker’s game thread, which was full of praise, and critical acclaim ^^, I’m taking my chances and posting my first game.

Although the originality factor is simply not present, I’m posting this so that I may perfect my programming techniques and (maybe) obvious design flaws. ^^

So, it’s a game I made after Atari’s Asteroids, it’s all made in Flash, but I used Zinc to compile it to an .exe form. And since I started out with Zinc, I said to myself “hey, why not use what Zinc can offer?”, so I added some features like save game/load game. (load might not work perfectly yet, I’m hoping to find out after you’ve given me some feedback)

The directions can be found using the “controls” menu.
Left/Right steers the ship, Up accelerates, Down does squat ^^
Space fires
“P” Pauses the game, press it again and it’s continued.
So, enough friendly banter, let’s cut to the chase. I was your harsh sincerity, if it sucks, I’m willing to admit that indeed it does. My expectations are low, so that no disappointments arise :slight_smile:

Here you go.
(sorry for rapidshare) (it’s only 2.5 MB ^^)

EDIT: I fixed the link. For reasons I don’t really understand, nor do I try to, if an un-archived file is uploaded, an error occurs. Probably safety issues. Either way, here is a working link. (should’ve tested it in the first place, doh ^^ )

I love the game. You did a very nice window layout, and I like how the exit button spins when you roll over it.

The death animation is nice, I liked it.

Does the bullet check every asteroid on the screen (like using a hitTest() inside a for loop)? I figure that’s the most basic way to collision detect in flash, unless you start going for stuff that’s a whole lot more advanced.

[quote=RonH;2326271]I love the game. You did a very nice window layout, and I like how the exit button spins when you roll over it.

The death animation is nice, I liked it.

Does the bullet check every asteroid on the screen (like using a hitTest() inside a for loop)? I figure that’s the most basic way to collision detect in flash, unless you start going for stuff that’s a whole lot more advanced.[/quote]

Yup, that’s the way I do it. A for loop with hitTest, and if such an occasion occurs, I then run a function which does the subsequent steps and then removes both the hit asteroid and the shot that hit it.

I wrote this code a good while back, and I had done so only for training purposes, and well…let’s just say that code efficiency was not the top priority at the moment ^^. Even if it were, I don’t think I could easily come up with another way around it. Maybe with some more training ^^.

Thanks for the reply, and for the comment, very much appreciated. And by the way, are you following up on the lead I gave you earlier? ^^
