Well, having been instilled with courage after reading through Underlocker’s game thread, which was full of praise, and critical acclaim ^^, I’m taking my chances and posting my first game.
Although the originality factor is simply not present, I’m posting this so that I may perfect my programming techniques and (maybe) obvious design flaws. ^^
So, it’s a game I made after Atari’s Asteroids, it’s all made in Flash, but I used Zinc to compile it to an .exe form. And since I started out with Zinc, I said to myself “hey, why not use what Zinc can offer?”, so I added some features like save game/load game. (load might not work perfectly yet, I’m hoping to find out after you’ve given me some feedback)
The directions can be found using the “controls” menu.
Left/Right steers the ship, Up accelerates, Down does squat ^^
Space fires
“P” Pauses the game, press it again and it’s continued.
So, enough friendly banter, let’s cut to the chase. I was your harsh sincerity, if it sucks, I’m willing to admit that indeed it does. My expectations are low, so that no disappointments arise
Here you go.
(sorry for rapidshare) (it’s only 2.5 MB ^^)
EDIT: I fixed the link. For reasons I don’t really understand, nor do I try to, if an un-archived file is uploaded, an error occurs. Probably safety issues. Either way, here is a working link. (should’ve tested it in the first place, doh ^^ )