Game, WIP

Hi everyone,
This is a game engine that im working on. I havent gotten very far yet. Right now you can move the fighter jet, shoot the enemies, get new weapons, and die. Thats about it.
Here is things that I am working on:[LIST]
[]Right now the enemies are on a random pattern. When the game is done they will be on a set pattern. I have them on a random pattern so that I can test the game easier.
]Weapons will be bought at the end of each level, not awarded according to your score.
[]There will be different levels/stages. Right now it doesn’t end :crying:
]There will be different types of enemies, maybe bosses and so on.
[]The explosion effects (right now its fire) will be changed along with a effect when your ship is hit.
]edit// just realized the life bar is too long, ill fix that too[/LIST]Please try and focus on things that I won’t be changing, although I realize that isn’t very much at the momment. Any suggestions/comments would be great! Oh, and I need suggestions on how I should do the boundries on the game. Im working on it now.

The link is below, if you die just restart. Getting 100 points gives you a better weapon, as with 200.