Game ideas ... as in design?

First off, If I posted this in the wrong section please move it to the appropriate one. I just figured a flash game would be under this section.

Anyways, In my free time about 2 months ago i managed to crank this little puppy out … an overhead 3rd Person shoot’em up like game …

The engine is basically complete … there just isn’t an idea behind the engine to make it awesome …

So here is my question … what type of game background would you like to see placed in this engine thing i have here? …

Examples :

Aliens invade earth and you have to kill them (boring over done).

Zombies rise up and eat everyone, you are a one man army ready to take them all down(old but still entertaining).

Man goes crazy in mini-market (just has guns and kills stuff).

So yeah, those are things I’ve been thinking of and if you guys have any ideas … let me hear them because ideas are good and i don’t want this thing to sit i nthe back ground and become forgetten.

Or if you think of additional features to add to it, let me know those too.

Thinking about adding a feature where if you or anything get’s below a certain amount of health (say 15%) you slowly start to die from blood loss.

The idea of gernades has been brought to my attention, but i’m unsure if i want to program explosions :stuck_out_tongue: … but then again explosions are cool stuff.


Game Controls

Up and Down Arrows = Forward and Reverse
Left and Right Arrows = Turn Left and Turn Right
Control (Crtl) = shoot current weapon/swing if out of ammo
Shift = Sprint
Space = Kick (Must stand still for this to work)
1 = Pistol
2 = Shotgun
3 = Machine Gun
4 = Axe
9 = All guns and full ammo (still a little glitchy, but it’s ment for testing purposes and will be removed from the game once it’s done(if ever :-P))
X = reload (Pistol / Machinegun Have Clips Shotgun you have to load each shell seperate)

Think that’s all the controls


User interface

Red Bar = Health / Hitpoints
Green bar = Stamina (Used for sprinting)

Tiny number under that is framerate … set at 34(it should drop to 26-28 through a browser window) … if you guys test it enough and let me know if it kills your computer

6/12 … numbers tell you bullets left in gun /bullets left in your invisible backpack
Name of weapon under that

MiniMap to the lower right of UI … should show you where you are on the map and when you get into range show the position of your enemies (wondering if i want to even keeps this in the game)

next to the MiniMap is the number of guys you killed


Other Notes:
1)Graphics = almost none … for test purpose only …

2)Enemies will spawn forever … you can only kill them over and over and over … (4 or 5 enemy spawn spots and they pick randomly which ones they spawn at)

  1. You first spawn with no weapons (You got the kicking ability and the shotgun is behind the “counter”) … you keep weapons once you die with them

4)have noticed some rare occasion where the map doesn’t stay "confined to the edge of the screen

5)If you run out of ammo from not reloading you automatically swing the but of your gun at the enemy

6)Enemies are stupid and randomly move until you hit them with bullets … they will turn and attack you if you are close enough … planning to update enemies once i’ve decided a theme for the game …


Well I think that is all about the game I have to say. Let me know what’s up and can’t wait to hear about your feed back.
