GameBoy Advance - to buy or not to buy?

I’m thinking of buying a GBA now that its price is dropping because of the new GBA SP… In fact, I don’t want to pay too much for it at all… I found a guy that sells his GBA, a link cable and 3 games:

  1. Sonic Advance
  2. Rayman Advance
  3. Bomberman Tournament

All this for 60 Euros (which is about $60 US). I can test it before buying to check if everything works OK.

What do you guys think? Good offer? Should I go for it? Or is the GBA not worth it? Please post your positive and negative opinions about it.

[SIZE=1]I wonder what Mariofan will say…[/SIZE] :wink:

if you are really conscidering getting an advance - save up for the new sp, you will really understand if you tryed the two side by side! the backlit screen really makes it better - you can play in pitch black! - and the battery lasts for ages (18h with no light on - 10 with it on!)

but that deal sounds ok - so its up to you!

one word of warning - i had my silver sp in my pocket with some coins, and it got really scratched…

If u want a handheld console for cheap then gte one theres lots of good games, like golden sun, breath of fire, advance wars , zelda etc :beam:

Well, I know the GBA SP looks great and all, but I really don’t want to spend 130 Euro on something that I’m going to use now and then. Games don’t come cheap either… so I think I might go for that 60 Euro deal. I’m still not sure though. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for your replies!

I’m with Mariofan - I have a Gameboy Advance and it’s been great to me, it really has. But the one thing that I have always wanted is a light on the **** thing. The 3rd party ones pretty much blow and it’s not always fun having to find direct sunlight or indoor light to play the thing.

I mean, you cannot go wrong for 60 bucks with 3 games - heck you couldnt buy the 3 games you mentioned for 60 bucks so your really getting the system for free!

But like I said, I would wait and get the new one - it’s way worth it.

yeah, mariofan made a good point about the scratches.

i traded my gba in for store credit at eb (electonics boutique, game store) for $30. the screen was all scratched up and looked nasty.

you’d be much much better off with a gbasp, well worth the extra cash.

no, i scratched MY SP! not on the screen but on the silver casing! its ok though cos ive covered them up with a big apple mac sticker!!!