how nice is the new gameboy advance sp? man its so cooool - looks just like a mini portable dvd player… mmmmm
the uk website for it rocks too check it out!
gameboy advance sp website
how nice is the new gameboy advance sp? man its so cooool - looks just like a mini portable dvd player… mmmmm
the uk website for it rocks too check it out!
gameboy advance sp website
i saw its commercial a few weeks ago… its techinal specs and the way it looks is just impressive :)… a nice site too :beam:
took them long enough to include a backlight!
looks awesome, i’ll be gettin me one’a them soon enough
what’s the pricetag for one of these babies?
129cdn, probably like, 89-99usd
$99.99 US
like the original gameboy advance, it’ll come out, like guito said, at around $100 but will go down after a month or two to about the current price of the gba which is near $70
and the original gba will drop even lower, cause it has to. LoL. who would buy gba over gbasp.
I guess that’s a ‘while supplies last’ situation, though.
I dont htink you are going to see the GBASP drop in price anytime soon - but you are right about the original GBA it will drop.
The new design is great, very nice. I was playing one yesterday in Wal-Mart (perks of having a friend that works there, taking stuff out of the box ) and it feels soooooo nice. Only problem is they are 149.99 in Canada and I cannot afford one right now.
heh, yeah
some local stores are offering “trade in your gba and get a discount on your gbasp” which is a really good idea. kinda stupid for them though, like aislin said, who wants a gba over a gbasp?
I read on that GBASP is not meant to replace GBA. I will see if I can find that article again.
it is really really amzaing
never seen something like it
it is very impressive and fantastic
The device will retail for $99 in the US, but it will not replace the current Game Boy Advance system.
i didn’t go to the link, but the quote doesn’t make sense.
When they made PSOne they stopped production of PS, because the new (better) version replaced it.
Of course GBASP is made to replace GBA
yeah, how is gbasp not going to replace gba? its a better version with more features and the same functionality as the original
I think there are some things that GBA can do that GBASP can’t or something. I read that in another article there, but I can’t seem to find it.
the only thing i can think of that would be singled out on gba would be the connectivity to gamecube, but im pretty sure thats on gbasp also
Probably it can’t read Gameboy//Gameboy color and whatnot games. Maybe that the difference? Other than that, there’s no headphone jack like on GBA, and i think if they wanna do the GBA//GC connectivity launch thing well, they’re gonna make it be ALL gba’s, including the new one. That’s for sure.
Ok, here is the article with the differences and similarities.
wow, i like where the port is now for accessories
i see two problems now:
the port connecting to the gc will hang at the bottom instead of the top which is good and bad. good because i think it just looks better there. bad because you cant use magnifiers and other accessories that affect the screen (like lights, which you dont need beccuase its backlite)
the batterys rechargable, but like it says in the article, if something goes wrong with it, you have to send it to nintendo for fixing
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