GameBoy Advance

…worth getting? I am considering it for a long trip I’m making, and think it could serve as good entertainment. Any game suggestions? :hr:

if you like RPG’s, Final Fantasy Tactics, or Golden Sun are good choices. If you’re more into puzzles, then WarioWare might be good. Adventure games…Metroid is never a bad idea.

if you can wait, the new retroGBA is released, I think june 7th. It looks super sweet. I want it, although I never go on trips and don’t need it. So I may jsut buy the GBA player for GCube.

I have an GBAsp, it is worth it, well for me anyways. I make an hour an a half train ride to school every day, so it helps pass time. If I were you though, I would just wait for the new Gameboy DS.

I’ve had Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow for a while now.
If you’re going to get one, get the SP. It’s worth a few more bucks for the backlight.


I love my SP - it’s a great little system.

I would suggest Zelda: Link to the Past if you get a game :slight_smile: