Whats the Best GBA game?

I recently bought a GBA SP, coz theyre cheap n small and theres no way id be able to afford one of the new cool handhelds comin out.

anyway… whats the best GBA game around???

check out www.gamerankings.com :smiley:

if there is one machine that has a LOT of good games its the GBA, I personally recommend you:

-any castlevania
-any mario advance (3 is especially good :pleased: )
-Any advanced wars
-Mario Golf (love this game!)
-Mario and luigi
-Golden Sun (I or II, both great)

And much more! I dont know, if ur going to buy just one, then u should buy an RPG like golden sun that last for weeks! even zelda or pokemon, what type of game r u looking for?

cheers! ill have a look

berkoWitZ - thanks
im not really into the mario type games.
Im more into racing or action games.
I recently bought driver 2, which is pretty good, completed it already tho

I just bought, and almost beat Zelda : Oracle of Time. And I would HIGHLY reccomend buying this game! It kept me up for hours and countless nights in Europe. This game is so awsome, also, try out Zelda : Oracle of Seasons. Each cost aprox. 15.99.

I’m with Grinch, Zelda is the way to go. Both of those titles are for the GBA Color but look great on the SP. Also, check out Zelda: A Link to the Past for the GBA SP - another awesome game.

Not to mention the great Mario Advanced Series of games. You can’t go wrong with any of those choices.

ive got the original nes zelda for my gba, its pretty good. how are the others different?

Mario and lugi allstars
harvest moon: friends of mineral town
final fantasy tactics advanced

Final fantasy tactics advanced (Got it literally as soon as it was shipped :P)
Advance wars 2 (takes a long time to learn, though)
Baldurs gate : Dark alliance (Very fun, although not much replay value)
Metroid fusion
Castlevania : Aria of sorrow
Mario & Luigi Superstar

I personally didn’t enjoy a link to the past, as it was far too short, and had no replay value (far too easy, as well)… Golden sun had a lot going for it replay-wise, as you would go back and do all the side quests… but was too easy as well…

I’m still playing through Advance wars 2, due to the high difficulty and replay value :P…

Castlevania is probably my favourite action game though

FFT! I had that game the first day it came out. And I have to admit it’s a fun game in all, it’s just EXTREMELY repeptitive, and gets bloody sickening after a while… hence, a while.

that’s why you use different classes, and learn those skilllz… Try battling with only one character :stuck_out_tongue:

or using a team of all gadgeteer/jugglers… you may win, or you may kill yourself, but it will be quick and random either way…

But you have to admit that it gets really repetitive. I got to lvl 70.

a good racing games?

Krazy Racers was a fun game. Launched with GBA.