I started this flash game around the first week of July after reading an article about other flash tower defense games. I basically challenged myself to see if I could remake my favorite Warcraft 3 tower defense game, Gem Tower Defense. The only experience I had with Flash prior to July was fiddling around with flash buttons back in Flash 4. I had absolute no experience with Actionscript, never used 2.0 or anything before it. First off, I have to say I believe Actionscript 3.0 is pretty awesome language eventhough I’m not a fan of Java which it appears to resemble quite closely.
Anyways, this game took me about a month to complete and it was quite an “adventure” seeing it start from stratch to it’s current form. Also, thank goodness I found this site and Kirupa’s helpful tips for Actionscript 3.0, this is a great community. Enjoy my remake of Gem Tower Defense, its quite addicting. Feedback and bug reporting greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Peter Holko - Izend