General Flash question

Hi people,

I’ve read through a few books on Flash… some covering simple topics like tweening, etc. others more difficult like actionscripting, etc… so I think I have a fairly good idea of some general things involved with Flash.

However, sometimes I find really nice Flash sites that use certain effects which I find hard to belive anything I have read can cover. Some mc’s are quite impressive, and I am unsure as to how to do them…

I’ll take a simple example, the site … i’m not even sure what the site is about i just got to it randomly

at the beginning the window splits into blocks which sort of rotate and then disappear
the time is very uniform, the blocks are all the same size, and the motion is smooth

as i said, simple example, some are way more complicated

am i to understand someone spent some time making that block tween, diplicating them, timing them?

i don’t really have a question
sometimes all of these effect just seem overwhelming

oh, this example also has mp3’s playing in the flash

whenever i try creating these kinda clips, they skip (arne’t smooth), the mp3’s take like 5 minutes to load, the movements aren’t uniform, all the shapes are pretty jagged, etc.

Am I missing some big theory, or do i just not practice enough?