Get rid of bounding boxes from swf files on web pages

Anyone know how to get rid of the bounding boxes that appear when you click inside a swf movie area ? Example below. Any help would be much appreciated.

[quote=Bossos;2359192]Anyone know how to get rid of the bounding boxes that appear when you click inside a swf movie area ? Example below. Any help would be much appreciated.

There are ways to get around it - swfobject works great for one. The reason you have to click to active certain elements on a page can be found here:

Here’s a link to swfobject:

Happy reading =)

you can put onFocus=“this.blur()” on the object as well…

I’m already using swfobject, but can’t see where to turn off bounding borders in the swf generator or in the documentation.

Also tried:

<div id="slvMenu" onfocus="this.blur()">

which is the html reference of the swf object, but no luck either.

I see there is a javascript approach also, so I guess I’ll try that next.


Great, managed to fix it.

Its apparently an issue in Firefox 3 which I just downloaded a few days ago :smiley:

If you put the following code in the header of the html document or in your CSS file, it goes away:

<style type="text/css" media="screen">
    object { outline:none; }

Thanks for the help.