Been using SWFobject to embed flash files. In Firefox 3, when I click on an embeded SWF I get an annoying grey dotted outline around it, similar to IE’s “click here to activate” stuff. You don’t have to click to activate it, but if you click it the outline appears.
It’s really annoying… does anyone know how I can get rid of it? It only does it if I use SWFobject to embed it.
Also, while I’m on a question-asking rampage, does anyone know how toi adjust the width of the xml menu here: ?
I think it may be an actionscript-related question, but I thought I may as well ask in one thread.
Also… with the xml menu… for anyone who knows, how do I actually make the buttons link to a page? In the xml file it says <item name=“Benefits” action=“link2”> and I assume the action property is where you put a link in… but how do you actually do it? Just put in “index.html” or “<a href=“index.html”>” or what? It’s not working for me. I’m clueless.
Sorry if my ignorance annoys anyone… I’m still learning. Never used XML before.