Get rid of mouse trailing effect?

Hi, I found some Actionscript which has nice sparkles effects that I would like to use, but it is a mousetrailer. Is there a way for me to remove the mouse trailing effect and instead, have the effects play at specific area on my movie?

Below you will see the action script.

Thank you for answering a beginner’s question. I really appreciate your help.

function glitterMouse():Void {
// You can change this values to your choice
var maxNegativePosition:Number = 10;
var maxPositivePosition:Number = 80;
var velocityEscale:Number = 5;
var velocityRotation:Number = 4;
// -------------------------------------------------
// Don’t touch any of this
// -------------------------------------------------
function objFX(obj:MovieClip) {
with (obj) {
_xscale -= velocityEscale;
_yscale -= velocityEscale;
_rotation += velocityRotation;
if (obj._xscale<=1) {
var negGlitter:MovieClip = attachMovie(“glitter”, “glitter”+this.getNextHighestDepth(), this.getNextHighestDepth());
negGlitter._x = _xmouse-random(maxNegativePosition);
negGlitter._y = _ymouse-random(maxNegativePosition);
negGlitter.onEnterFrame = function() {
var posGlitter:MovieClip = attachMovie(“glitter”, “glitter”+this.getNextHighestDepth(), this.getNextHighestDepth());
posGlitter._x = _xmouse+random(maxPositivePosition);
posGlitter._y = _ymouse+random(maxPositivePosition);
posGlitter.onEnterFrame = function() {
onEnterFrame = function() {