Hi people,
I have a mouse trail.
I got this script from flashkit:
onMouseMove = function () {
var cur_x = _xmouse;
var cur_y = _ymouse;
var limit = 3;
var min = 10;
var max = 60;
var alfa = 160;
var delta_x = old_x-cur_x;
var delta_y = old_y-cur_y;
var dist = Math.sqrt(delta_xdelta_x+delta_ydelta_y);
old_x = cur_x;
old_y = cur_y;
if (dist>limit) {
attachMovie(“stars”, “stars”+i,-510+i);
with (this[“stars”+i]) {
var ran = Math.random()*max+min;
var ran2 = Math.random()*alfa-alfa/2;
_rotation = ran2;
_xscale = _yscale=ran;
_x = _parent._xmouse;
_y = _parent._ymouse;
I’m not a pretty good actionscripter.
I want the mousetrail to be only in action in a certain part of my screen.
Now it plays over the whole screen.
Anyone help me with this?