Getting around export to 1st frame prob

Hey guys,

Im sure all of you who have made preloaders before have had problems with delay, ultimately because you have used the ‘attachMovie’ method in your AS and extra weight has been added in to the mysterious ‘0th’ frame. Anyway i have a solution.

Using the 3 frame method ie ( 1st - preloader, 2nd- components, 3rd- application), here’s what you do: Rather than having to rework your script and take out the attachMovie methods you can simply deselect ‘export to first frame’ on you’re linked mc’s. Now select the 2nd keyframe in the timeline and drag instances of these mc’s onto the movie (off stage of course). Now, in the 3rd frame place the actionscript as you had it before (making sure you have placed stop actions). And there you have it! Now flash loads your linked mc’s in the 2nd frame, and they can be preloaded along with the rest of your movie