Getting MCs with dynamic content to respond?

Hi there!
I’m currently working on a rather complex picture gallery and I’ve run across a problem I just can’t seem to solve:
The galleries (there are a lot of them, that’s why I want to use AS in the first place) consist of 20 MCs that lie in another MC called “gal”. The thumbnails are loaded via script:

for (i in {
var link = “Pics/”"/k/"++".jpg";
var ziel = “”+
loadMovie(link, ziel);

That part (I know the var strings don’t make sense without further knowledge) works perfectly fine. Of course, clicking a thumb should open the full pic and I just can’t get that part to work. I tried the following script (and ALOT of variations):

for (i in {
var link = “Pics/”"/k/"++".jpg";
var ziel = “”+
loadMovie(link, ziel);
var extrakt = substring (,2,2);
var big = “Pics/”"/g/"+extrakt+".jpg";
.onPress = function() {
loadMovie(big, “_root.full”);

Unfortunately, the MCs don’t respond to the onPress-action. They only do, if I remove the first part (loading the thumbs), which of course is not an option.
Any ideas???

You can mail me at webmaster(at)

Thanx alot guys,

sorry so quick
first thought:


Nope, doesn’t work either. But thanx alot anyway! :slight_smile: