Hi all.
I have very limited, basic knowledge of flash and actionscript 2 and have taken over a project at work after our Flash person left (we are in the process of hiring someone else with real knowledge, but in the meantime it’s just me!). I’m using Flash CS5. Hopefully I can describe this in a way that makes sense.
I am building a touch screen with several nested containers that I’m using the LoadMovie function with to swap out various menus and content screens. My main file is “load”, in which I have “content” and “nav” containers. Click a button in “nav” and it loads something in “content.” However, I have some complicated submenus, so within the movieclips loading into “nav” there is a nested container that loads “subnav”. I need the button from “subnav” to load another movieclip into “content”, which I guess is one level above its root. My structure is loosely this:
I’ve been using _root for the nested movieclips because that’s all I know. It works fine until I get to the subnav, and then it doesn’t. So I need a way to go one level back from root to access the level that the “content” movieclip is on. Is there a simple way to do this, or am I better off (with my beginner’s ability) just scrapping the subnav and having a more complicated nav file?
The extent of my knowledge is pretty much just gotoAndPlay and loadMovie, so I’ve tried to google this and pretty much just gotten confused. Thanks for your help!