Flash 8, ActionScript 2.0
Ok, I know this has been answered before, but I can’t find it.
I’m looking for the easiest way to encode a getURL with a variable to play a particular frame on the other end
I want to getURL(“index.html”)
and play frame 420 in index.html
I’m looking for the simplest way to do this.
I understand that getURL in and of itself, only fetches the URL, and doesn’t control the Flash movie in that page.
I know I need to create a variable in the index.html file, and then pass it from the getURL using POST, but I don’t know the syntax for either side, or where to put the code in the index.html page
(Do I put the index.html code in the html page itself, or in a frame/layer in the swf file?)
As simple as possible please, but something that will work with all browsers, if that is not too much to ask.
Thanks in advance