getUrl is canceling out animations

This is AS2. I have a mc that is functioning as a button. On the mc timeline the actions frame contains the code at the bottom, and it everything works fine. Except when I try to add the getUrl statement. Here is the statement
on (release) {
getURL(“”, “_blank”) ;
here is how I try to add it.
When I’m on the main timeline, I click on the mc. then I click on the actions panel then I insert the above code. When I do, Then all the animations etc. in the button is cancelled out, but It does get the url.
How do I get both the animations and the geturl to work together.
below is the code contained inside the mc. please help

// When mouse pointer over the button
box_color.onRollOver = function() {
box_color_play = 1;
// When mouse pointer out of the button
box_color.onRollOut = function() {
box_color_play = 0;
// When mouse pointer click to button
box_color.onRelease = function() {
// play the box_highlight_mc animation;


clickSound = new Sound();
box_color.onRelease = function () {
blickSound = new Sound();

box_color.onEnterFrame = function() {
if ((box_color._currentframe != box_color._totalframes) || (box_color._currentframe != 0)) {
if (box_color_play == 1) {
if (box_color_play == 0) {