I developed a portable video player thats similar to
YouTube’s video player where you pass a video’s
info and the video loads and plays. The player can
also be embedded on your own personal site using
the embed tags.
My problem is this, everything with playing / loading
the video works fine. But I’ve got a link on the Flash
thats hard coded to a url and links off using getUrl
like so:
getUrl(‘http://www.site.com’, ‘_self’)
Now this works if the HTML and SWF are in the same
location (ie both local, or both on the hosting server)
but for some reason it doesn’t work in the embed mode
when the player swf is located on one server and the
HTML that’s loading the SWF is on another server. XML
loads fine, videos load, images load, but the gerUrl does
not work…doesn’t go anywhere.
Also, I’ve got my crossdomain xml file setup to accept
all domains using the * option.
Any ideas?