Hi All,
I hope someone has an answer for this and that it hasn’t been asked before. I have been trying to figure out how to solve this most of the day.
Anyway, I have some code that pulls a session id from a server via sendAndLoad, then does a getURL to launch a browser window with a webserver location and some php variables after it, like this:
getURL("http://localhost/app.php?sessid="+loadedData.sessionid+"&userid="+loadedData.userid, "_blank", "POST");
Amazingly however, the POST method, or even get for that matter, throw all the variables and functions from the root of the timeline into the url and it fails due to character length.
Has anyone encountered this type of error before? I’ve done getURL calls many times in the past, but I’ve never actually seen this happen. One thing to note, I am creating a stand alone projector to do this, but I have tested as deployed via swf inside an html page just to do a sanity check.
**Edit: **For an actual test run of what I’m talking about, try this fun experiment.
Start a completely blank fla, drop a button with this code,
on(click) {
getURL(“http://www.kirupa.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1899519#post1899519”, “_blank”, “POST”);
Try the button, you should see this in the URL bar:
Thanks in advance!