Gimmie the name of a good FlashMX Guide

Hey guys, im kinda in the need for some flashMx books thats loaded with tutorials on games, but im not sure which one whould be my type.

Im a high school student (not a professional flasher) whose played with the flash application for the past two years. I have an idea (but not extensive) knowledge of actionscripting; having made a first person shooter with bullet counts and lives. You can consider me as a beginner-intermediate.

So if anyone here knows the right FlashMX Game book for a guy like me, can you please reply to this post with the title of the book…

Thankyou:+) :+)

I never tried flash books, but maybe google can help you.

tried that, but i think i need a book coz i wanna learn the whole flash thing, not just a couple of points on it.

all the web offers is tutorials…although its good i still want to learn like why and how the actionscripting works

Go to and search for “flash game” in books

Flash MX Game Design Demystified is great. I believe Friends of ed have a Flash Game Studio, or something like that, but I don’t know if it’s good or not.