Give me something to do!

… I’m bored at work right now… I’m supposed to be reading on making PDFs 508 Compliant (accessibility for the blind) but otherwise I have nothing else to do!

Give me something interesting to do! An idea to work on, a site to check out, a good tutorial to do (but i dont have Flash here)

or take a look at my pages:

you could tell me what you want to see from those sites… it will give me something to do…


yuor bored? im at school, there is nothing more boring then that:nerd:

Make me a pinball game. :slight_smile:

get me a good font for my site!


link should be somewhere here /

Kit, I would… but I dont have flash at work…

But I can come up with some methods in pseudocode you can use on your game…

oh kit… can i ask you a favor? since you’re really good in design, can you take a look at the WRAF page? It feels empty, and I just wanted to know if you could improve on it… if you have time, I mean…

Sure, it’s no problem… PM me the URL and what you want and I’ll try and fit it into my ‘busy schedule’. :slight_smile:

Even kit knows her “busy schedual” is just a front…

Just kidding - I am sure you do a ton of work there…:bounce:

yeah… she’s always like: “I want to show you something I did while at work…”

I work fast, that’s all. :slight_smile:

For example, I have just drawn this lovely portal design for our company Intranet… :slight_smile:

it looks really cool…
you’re awesome in design…

*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**I work fast, that’s all. :slight_smile:

For example, I have just drawn this lovely portal design for our company Intranet… :slight_smile: **

awsome work!

really cool!


well i guess that’s you job =)