Gliding down menu

Hi everyone,
sorry if i’m posting at the wrong place. does anyone know how they did this menu where it glides down into view?


come on guys/gals i know somebody here can help me out. all of these action scripters here at kirupa? lol


Not as smooth as his, but should be enough to get your started:

#include ""
//You need to download the extension from:
// for this to work.
//You also need to created a movieclip called "box" and inside that movieclip create
//a dynamic textBox called "tBox". Then in the library panel set its linkage identifer
//to "box".
var aLinks:Array = new Array("Link1", "Link2", "Link3", "Link4", "Link5", "Link6", "Link7");
var startX:Number = 300;
var startY:Number = 50;
var offset:Number = 18;
for (i=0; i<aLinks.length; i++) {
	var cClip:MovieClip = this.attachMovie("box", "box"+i, i);
	cClip.lName = aLinks*;
	cClip._alpha = 0;
	cClip._x = startX;
	cClip._y = startY;
	var yMove:Number = startY+(offset*i);
	cClip.tBox.text = cClip.lName;
	cClip.tween("_alpha", 100, 1, undefined, i*0.1);
	cClip.tween("_y", yMove, 1, undefined, i*0.1);
	cClip.tween("_x", startX-200, 1, undefined, i*0.2);

thanks Liger,
will check it out and let ya know if i got it to work.