Global variables


I have some problems with my homepage. I want the user to be able to chose their own language. Sedish English or german.

What I want is that you klick a flag in the intro of the page and then Flash should remember that and get my variable datas in the right languages.

As I said, three flags. what should i wright on them? actionscript? ex:

 on (press) {
	 _global.lang = "swe";

on (release) {


The homepage opens and I have a menu with 4 buttons. Each one of them loads an exsternal .swf into an empty movieclip called container. load code ex:

on (release) {
   loadMovie("information.swf", _root.textcontainer);
	  loadVariables("information_" + lang + ".txt",_parent.rutan); 

I have saved 3 copys of my .txt files in three different files kalled “eng” “swe” “ger”
This is what I have been trying out so far. But nothing work at all!

Kould somebydy help me out or is there a guide that I kould use?

Best regards / Nicklas