Going another movie clip's frame from a movie clip

Hi people, i don’t have a good english but i must explain you to the problem:
I have a movieclip in frame1 and there is a button in this movieclip.I have another movieclip in frame10 and this movieclip’s instance name is “dene”.When i clicked the button in the frame1’s movieclip, i want to go 70 th frame in movieclip which’s instance name is “dene”.
When i write _root.gotoAndStop(10); i can go frame10 in mainstage but i can’t go to movieclip “dene”'s 70th frame.
I tried this code but it doesn’t work;
on (press) {
Shortly, when i clicked Start button, i want to see blue square in my project file.
I attached the .fla and i am waiting your helps.
I will make my project with actionscript 1&2 and i use adobe flash cs4.