Going Commu...err Kommunist!

no it’s the two-faced-demon of capitalism that shines through the face of Kirupa :evil:

Not only two noses :whistle:


[size=1][EDIT] I missed my thousandth post! When was it?! I haven’t got a clue. :([/size]

It was 3 posts ago… :stuck_out_tongue:

Aight time to take over the world, whose with me!

I’d say 4 posts ago :stuck_out_tongue:
congratulations. bring her the K-elite card (for free shopping all around the world), the universal key for any locks on the world, and - not to forget the most important one - the K-brewed beer (brewed by dutch experts, with a czech recipt in a in a bavarian brewery under the German Reinheitsgebot using irish ingredients)

Darnn straight!


…tasted/tested by Belgish professionals

What, no Canada? :frowning:

…brewed for a Canadian woman :love:

Oh okay then. :slight_smile:

Somewhat back on topic…


lets all russainize are avatars and footers!

I think i’ll make a mussolini av then :kommie:

lol mussolini av :stuck_out_tongue:
maybe I should add a small mustache to my av too :wink:
J/K I would never do that. Hitler S*cks

now since you got me in a Kommi situation; i hated Hitlers arse but i’ve always considered Musolini a good guy… until he joined up with hitler then i hated him too

There seems to be dissension among the ranks!

Repeat after me:

[center][size=4][color=darkred]All Kommunists are good. No Kommunists are bad.[/color][/size][/center]
[center][color=red][size=4][color=darkred]They are always right. Never wrong.[/color][/size][/center]

[center][size=1][color=gray](statment valid until 13 September 2004)[/color][/size][/center]

[left]:kommie: [/left]

All Communists are good. No Communists are bad.
They are always right. Never wrong.

all Kommies are Good No Kommies are Bad. They are always right. Never wrong

All Communists are good. No Communists are bad.
They are always right. Never wrong.

uhh shouldn’t we spell that with a k? making it
All Kommunists are good. No Kommunists are bad.
They are always right. Never wrong.

Four legs good…errr
I mean
All Kommies good - all kapitalists bad

Phew good thinking - replaced the C’s with a K. I really hope my Senate opponents in the year 2044 when I run for the US Senate from the great State of Mexico don’t find this and smear me with books/documentaries/tv ads/mousepads about how much I like Kommunists :stuck_out_tongue: