Going Commu...err Kommunist!

Hey everyone,
Well, RussianBeer created a really awesome avatar for me, so I figured, I’ll take a trip through the dark side and change my footer and avatar just for a few days. This is a radical step for me, for I haven’t changed my avatar in years. It feels really weird for me to see all this lack of blueness…oh well, that’s Communism for ya!

Kapitalist “Blue” Kirupa will be back after this weekend :slight_smile:

So, who’s up for a game of Russian Roulette?

Kommunism Weekend is now Officially Over. I’ve attached a picture of my footer/avatar combo for future remembrance.

Kirupa :kommie:

Kommunist Kirupa? whats next Egged Fries?

Egged Fries doesn’t seem to have the same ring…alliteration thing…that Kommunist Kirupa, Kapitalist Kirupa, Kossack Kirupa, Killer Kirupa, etc. have :slight_smile:

bye bye invisible hand

sorry…lame economics joke;)

Say it ain’t so k-man?

All of the ‘all work and no play’ idea really appealed to an impressionable kid such as myself. From now on, SOTW will no longer exist in its previous, evil form. Everybody is a winner - even those who submit a plain page with the dancing banana background.

[size=1][color=dimgray](edit: I’m joking btw…about the SOTW bit at least.)[/color][/size]


Yes, just one more step towards a world under communist control!!

I remember a time when I was konvinked that all "c"s were evil. Thus, I replaked them all with "k"s. My English teakher was not at all impressed. I will rekommenke the replakage in the kurrent thread.

good old communism.
if you forget about the bad sides communism isn’t that bad. :stuck_out_tongue:

will we get aliment tokens now? You know those kind of sales slips they gave away during communism because there was a lack of nearly everything.

how about new useful cars for our commies

and not to forget - a big nation like the Kirupean one needs its own space program.
we can’t allow the capitalisic pigs to be the first human beings on mars.

or how about splitting Kirupa.com in two parts. we already tried that over here in Germany.

the federalrepublicofKirupa.com (FRK)
and the KirupeanKommieRepublic.com (KKR)
both claiming to be the “kirupean” state.
the KKR people will move over to the FRK as soon as they recognize the features like Quickedit, so the KKR government will start block any links to prevent people to reach the FRK.
After some time the KKR people will revolt and the KKR will join the FRK on cost of the FRK.

Well McGiver - you can be Chief Kommissioner for the 1st Kirupian Planning Komission (part of the Three Day Plan). Do whatever needs to be done…(the armory is out back.)

first thing I will do is to prohibit the internet for all our members :stuck_out_tongue:

Viva La Revolution!

As long I as can have my usual vodKa…

for those of you who would have a hard time recognizing it it’s fidel castro…

with bits ofr kirupa on him…

Who told you guys that there was a lack of everything? Well during the war and towards the end of kommu there was, but in 60s, 70s and even till the mid-80s it was fun. I mean one ruble was almost like two dollars!..

i like the avatar, rekon you should keep it!

Well during the war and towards the end of kommu there was, but in 60s, 70s and even till the mid-80s it was fun.

yeah, but as soon as even the slowest people realzed that it doesn’t really matter if you work hard or not, communism went down :stuck_out_tongue:

Can’t be said any better… :wink:

Does Kirupa Castro have two noses?

[EDIT] Counting backwards, I have determined that this was my 1000th post. :slight_smile: