Golf Course Logo Wanted

For those who don’t know, I work at a golf course. I was in the pro shop today and was looking at our logo balls and thought they were very boring. It looks like it was done in Microsoft Word with clip art. I don’t have a picture to show you but needless to say it could be better.

So I asked the manager if she’d be interested in a new logo and she said sure. And so here I am. I can’t think of anything and thought that if someone here was bored and wanted to give it a go they could.

Here is some info about the course:

Heather Hills Golf Club web site

The course is very hilly so hills or curves would work.

The course is public.

If you check out the site don’t worry about matching the font used for the course name with what you want to do with the logo. I’m sure that if you used a nice font (that is free) she’d use it for the course name as well. (Hope that made sense). If you do want to use the current font it is Monotype Corsiva.

If you have any other questions please ask.

As far as compensation, I have no clue. Maybe a dozen golf balls (with the new logo) or so if you like golf but I can’t make any promises.